From the moment we played the first note in the new showroom we were in love. Reverberant hardwood floors make for some amazing natural reflection, so much so that we called up Auralex for some help in taming the "liveness." A few acoustic panels later, we have the perfect blend of "live" and "contained." In fact; we loved the acoustic sound dampening solutions Auralex provided us with so much that we became a dealer ourselves.
The easy to install sonic panels are light, customizable and incredibly effective in creating a quiet "true" sonic space. Although these panels are commonplace here in the Nashville recording studios, we didn't know they would be so effective in our setting, or so affordable. They're outstanding for creating that perfect listening space for our hand-made guitars.
Some responses from Troops who have received instruments through Guitar Gallery's charity, Guitars 4 Troops:
" . . . I want you both to know how much music can mean to us. I would also like to thank anyone who does donate to us troops out here I hope that you can let everyone know how much the music means to us sometimes its all we have . . ."
"I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for want you guys are doing for us troops. It give us the strength . . . Your support is greatly appreciated and know that you are part of keeping our morale, sanity, hope and spirits alive . . ."
" . . . he has played it everyday since he got it, usually after mission he will get together with a couple of guys that brought guitars, and it helps them cope with the day in day out battle stress that is brought on by being in a combat zone."
Two-hundred and thirty-four guitars later, we are still seeing what the simple gift of music is doing for our troops.
Thank you to all who have helped us support our Troops. We've been blown away by the many people who have donated funds, instruments, accessories, and their talent for fund raising, to Guitars 4 Troops. We had no idea the call for guitars would be so enormous. In addition to donations, Guitar Gallery has funded many of these instruments on its own. As of today, we have more requests than we can tangibly fill; so although we will continue to send out instruments, we are pausing on new requests. For more information on this charity, and how you can help bring some relief to our troops, click here.
Stay cool and remember to keep an eye on the humidity in the room where you store your instrument. The best range for keeping your guitar healthy and happy is 40% to 60%.